Virtual reality is now being used in many fields of activity, whether automotive, interior design or health. But there is an area that we do not necessarily think about and in which virtual reality can find a place; it's about sports. Find out below how VR can make a difference.

First of all, virtual reality is a very good way to improve the performance of top athletes in different aspects:
Work on technical gestures while avoiding injuries, improving your coordination.
Train indoors when the weather does not allow being outside, while virtually being in their real training environment.
Prepare to be in noisy environments during competitions.
Analyze the behavior of opponents during boxing matches, for example. INRIA Rennes is currently conducting research with the Olympic boxing team to determine how VR can help athletes improve certain skills in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Virtual reality also intervenes on the other side of the field by revolutionizing the experience of supporters who, through a VR headset, can watch sports competitions as if they were in the stands with their friends.
It is also a way to share moments with your favorite athlete by participating in training with him virtually.
After the Wii and the Switch, virtual reality is today the new console allowing you to do your sport at home through certain games available by application. The headset immerses us in a world which promotes the concentration of the sportsman.
Thanks to virtual reality, e-sport is moving away from the computer and becoming mobile. Players can meet and compete on real grounds, the difference with normal sport? The VR headsets they have on their heads and the backpacks with the on-board computer. Esports Virtual Arenas tend to open in France, the operation itself is close to the laser game. Virtual reality then allows players to evolve in multiple environments.
Thus, virtual reality is now tending to find a place in the world of sport and is only at the beginning of its development. She still has a lot of surprises for us on the features she can develop.