In 2020, Nootty worked with the "Les P’tits Doudous" association to create an application that improves children’s stay in hospital. The association agreed to answer a few questions about our collaboration. Find out the answers now!

Photo credit : Les P'tits Doudous
Can you present the "Les P’tits Doudous" association in a few words?
"Les P'tits Doudous" is an association created 10 years ago by an anesthetist nurse from the University Hospital of Rennes and whose mission is to improve the experience of children and adolescents during their visits to the operating room by reducing their anxiety through different means. It started with comforters distributed as a reward for their courage and later the association also relied on digital applications to play down their passage to the operating room.
What was the subject of your collaboration with Nootty?
The association wanted to create an application on a virtual reality headset aimed more at teenagers for whom our tablet application "Le Héros, c’est toi" did not correspond to their age group. This application is called "Go Doudous", and consists of a library of videos that young patients can watch to relax before or after an operation. It was important to create an application integrated into the headset, because in hospitals, the Wifi connection is very often bad, or even non-existent.
What was the goal of the application "Go Doudous" for children?
The application makes it possible to occupy and relax children and adolescents during their journey in the operating room, allowing them to escape during this ordeal which is sometimes very anxiety-provoking. It's more fun to see pretty videos than a hospital room or a surgery block.
Was it a success?
Yes, absolutely, children and adolescents are much more relaxed and this avoids having to give certain medications to calm them down, it is an excellent palliative. Today, the VR headsets and the application are distributed to dozens of local associations that wish to implement this action in their respective hospitals and clinics.
A big thanks to the "Les P’tits Doudous" association for answering our questions!
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